Wednesday night, I had dinner with most of my Basketball mates and some of their family members and also our coach.
We had it in Tekor, Double-six, which is owned by our captain's parent.
Everyone looked like they had fun, I seriously did, well kindaa.
All that I was there for was the food. We had Pizza, Tacos, Nachos with salsa, Calamari, Bread with Garlic Spread, Sate Ayam (Chicken on a stick), salad and that's all I can remember.
I seriously enjoyed that calamari and the salad. I asked for more sauce for my salad, because I like Sauce, or should I say Mayo.
I LOVE MAYO! and cheese.Heheheh....
My friend Elodie gave me a ride there, which made it extra fun, cause we ate McDonald after school, and then saw Cute photo's of her and her family.
Hehehe, anyways...
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